Summer 94 - In Dinosaur prov'l park, Red Deer river valley badlands, Alberta, originally uploaded by First half of Rob.
Summer 94 - In Dinosaur prov'l park, Red Deer river valley badlands, Alberta
The best concentr'n of dinosaur fossils anywhere after the Gobi desert, so I was told. At one point when we got out of the tourbus for a bit on a tight-reined tour I think there were more pieces of bone about than rocks!
- The place is known for Hadrosaurs (the duck-billed type). From an Env't Canada booklet - this "was once part of a marine lowland [a delta] that bordered on a shallow inland sea, the Bearpaw sea, in the Cretaceous, 60-90 million yrs. ago. Then the climate was warm, humid, and tropical, and with a change from humid tropical to today's dry temperate climate and erosion by glaciation, wind, and the downcutting of the Red Deer river, the fossils in the area were unparallelled abundance of Upper Cretaceous dinosaur fossils... more than 300 museum-quality specimens from a 24 km. stretch along the river".
Uploaded by First half of Rob on 11 Sep 06, 5.29PM ADT.
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